Moonlighting is independent practice of medicine outside of your postgraduate training program (residency training or structured fellowship program), whether remunerated or not.
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TOW code 12 is for residents and fellows who do not moonlight. Extra resident shifts are not considered moonlighting and are included under this code.
TOW code 14 is for residents or fellows who do occasional moonlighting (i.e., for two consecutive weeks or less). Those in TOW code 14 who limit their clinical activities to only moonlighting work (locum) for more than two consecutive weeks, must change to a practising physician TOW code and hold a licence/registration acceptable to the regulatory authority (College) in the jurisdiction in which the moonlighting will occur.
Members taking electives
Existing members in TOW code 12 or 14 should select the fee region where they are registered in a training program, even if they are doing an elective in another province.
- While they must hold a licence or registration in the province of the elective, they are not required to notify the CMPA of their elective.
There is an exception for new members requesting short-term membership in TOW code 12 (to do an elective). These new members must select the fee region where they are doing the elective (not the region where they are registered in a training program, although it can be the same).
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First-time applicants must pay for a minimum of 2 months in the first calendar year. The fees for practising physicians and residents are calculated each year in the fall for the upcoming calendar year and take effect on January 1.
Residents who join the CMPA only for the periods when they are doing an elective or occasional moonlightinging, may be entitled to the CMPA's Flexible date membership option. Fellows who change to a practising physician TOW code when moonlighting may also benefit from this option. Please contact the CMPA to verify your eligibility.
Physicians who are transitioning from postgraduate training to practice can defer payment of their CMPA membership fees for up to 6 months. Members who take advantage of this service must provide their fee payment, in one lump sum, in the same calendar year as the transition, as described in the Transitioning from a postgraduate training program to practice payment option.
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Universities often require residents and fellows to provide proof of CMPA membership to finalize their registration in a training program. The CMPA corresponds directly with many universities, so often members are not required to provide individual confirmation. If you have informed the CMPA of your training details, we will confirm your membership directly to your university. At any time, go to Statement of Protection if you require an individual confirmation.
To be able to provide reliable information to the universities, the CMPA needs to have accurate information from you. If you change programs or universities during your training, please provide the new information to the CMPA. Use the general inquiry form, or contact us.
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