
The CMPA offers both online and in-person continuing professional development (CPD) programs, including workshops, conferences, and eLearning.

The CMPA is a recognized Accredited Provider by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC). This recognition allows the CMPA to assign credits for educational activities based on the criteria established by the Royal College for programs developed by, and co-developed with, the CMPA.

The CMPA seeks approval from the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) for general programming designed for family physicians. The process follows requirements set out by the CFPC.

All accredited CMPA programs clearly state the type of credit as well as the eligible number of hours that could be claimed.

Types of credits

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Section 1

Specialists can obtain Royal College MOC credits under Section 1 for attending workshops and conferences. One credit is awarded for each one hour of participation in Section 1 accredited group learning activities. Participants are reminded to visit MAINPORT ePortfolio to record their learning and outcomes.

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Section 3

eLearning activities can be reported in Section 3. These include online programs that allow participants to receive an assessment of their knowledge gain. Three credits are awarded for every one hour of activity. Participants are reminded to visit MAINPORT ePortfolio to record their learning and outcomes.

For more information about CPD activities that you can record, visit the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada website.

College of Family Physicians of Canada Mainpro+® (Maintenance of Proficiency)

The CMPA submits an application to assign Mainpro+ credits to its CPD activities and programs. The CMPA seeks approval from the CFPC for activities and programs that had substantial input from CMPA faculty in their planning, organization, development, and implementation.

For more information, please visit the College of Family Physicians of Canada website.