FAQ: Medico-legal services

What kinds of assistance does the CMPA offer?

CMPA members are eligible for assistance with medico-legal events related to the practice of medicine.

Like all individuals, physicians have the right to a fair process. When a patient or family initiates a civil action against a member, our role is to assist the member in dealing with the action, provide legal representation, and defend the member if medical expert opinion is that the standard of care was met. If defence experts conclude the standard of care was not met and the breach of the standard caused the patient’s harm, we seek to explore settlement as soon as possible.

We also provide advice and assistance with regulatory authority (College) complaints, coroners' inquests, and other matters.

Read more: Protection for membersHelp and advice

Is there a limit (a ceiling) to the dollar amount of CMPA assistance (like with an insurance company)?

The CMPA is not an insurance company, so limits or ceilings do not apply. Instead, we exercise discretion when extending medico-legal assistance to members, based on the facts and circumstances of each particular situation. Discretion allows the flexibility to assist members, rather than limit assistance based on fixed and pre-determined conditions.

How can I obtain medico-legal advice or assistance?

Members who need medico-legal assistance or advice should contact the CMPA as soon as possible. 

Sign into your account and request medico-legal assistance or call us at 1-800-267-6522 Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET.

Read more: Help and advice

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