Governance review

Modernizing CMPA’s governance model

Good governance is people, process, and structures designed to improve decision making, drive success, and reduce the likelihood of poor outcomes.

We have heard from our members that they want a responsive and agile CMPA. We are in a strong position to look proactively at improvements to our governance to set us up for future success. To this end, 2 years ago we embarked on a thorough examination of our governance model to lay the foundation for our governance for the next decade and beyond.

Consultation and engagement activities
No matter how our governance model evolves, we will continue to be there for members with compassionate support, medico-legal protection, and relevant learning and research to help reduce your risk.

Join us at the 2024 Annual Meeting and have your say

Informed by our consultations, research, and your feedback, we have developed final recommendations, which focus on Council size, representation, term-limits, and more. The recommendations and a summary of member feedback is presented in the new report, Modernizing CMPA Governance: Governance Review Report. [PDF]

We invite all members to review the report and attend the 2024 Annual Meeting on August 14, 2024 (virtually or in person) to vote on the following motion:

Be it resolved that:

The Modernizing CMPA Governance: Governance Review Report, dated July 12, 2024, is received and approved as the basis for implementing the governance model described in the report, recognizing that any changes to the current by-law will require approval by members as set out in the current by-law.

The proposed changes will also be presented at the Annual Meeting where members will have an opportunity to ask questions.

Additional reading