Governance review

Recommendations to enhance CMPA’s governance model approved

Good governance is people, process, and structures designed to improve decision making, drive success, and reduce the likelihood of poor outcomes.

We have heard from our members that they want a responsive and agile CMPA. We are in a strong position to look proactively at improvements to our governance to set us up for continued success.

2 years ago, we embarked on a thorough examination of our governance model to lay the foundation for our governance for the next decade and beyond. We worked with expert consultants, conducted research, and repeatedly engaged members.

Building on this work and feedback, in July 2024, we presented the Modernizing CMPA Governance: Governance Review Report. [PDF] to members with the final recommendations to enhance our governance model.

At the August 14, 2024 Annual Meeting, members approved the report and all the recommendations (by voting online and in-person).

Approved recommendations
No matter how our governance model evolves, we will continue to be there for members with compassionate support, medico-legal protection, and relevant learning and research to help reduce your risk.

What’s next? Amended by-law to members in August 2025

CMPA was formed by an Act of Parliament. As such, implementing the recommendations will require amending our by-law – which is a complex and lengthy process.

CMPA will spend the next year looking at how we can amend our by-law to implement the recommendations.

We aim to bring the amendments to next year’s annual meeting (August 20, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario) for member vote and approval.

“By moving forward with an enhanced governance model, Council can engage in strong decision making and maintain the high level of confidence of those impacted by the organization’s decisions and actions,” said Dr. Birinder Singh, CMPA President. “As healthcare continues to rapidly evolve, we will continue to be there for our members with compassionate support, medico-legal protection, and data-driven learning and research to enhance patient safety.”

Additional reading