By-law 52

Article one: Interpretation
Article two: Conditions of membership
Article three: Members' meetings
Article four: Council
Article five: Directors and officers
Article six: Association assistance

Article two: Conditions of membership

2.01 Eligibility for Membership. Any physician licensed to practice medicine in any province or territory of Canada shall be eligible to apply for membership in the Association.
2.02 Admission to Membership.
2.02.01 Each applicant for membership shall submit to the Executive Director an application in the form specified by the Council. Upon the Association's receipt of an acceptable application, the applicant may be admitted to membership by the Executive Director. The Executive Director may refer any application to the Council for consideration at its next meeting. Where the Executive Director does not admit an applicant to membership, the applicant may request that the application be referred to Council at its next meeting. The Council may in its absolute discretion either accept or refuse any application without cause assigned.
2.02.02 Admission to membership shall take effect from the date of the Association's receipt of an acceptable application. Upon request of the applicant, the Executive Director, in accordance with rules and procedures established by the Council, may admit an applicant to membership with effect on a date designated by the Executive Director that is prior to the date of receipt of an acceptable application. If a Member has been admitted with effect prior to the date of the application's receipt, the applicant shall be deemed to have been a Member for the purposes of Article 6 (Association Assistance) from that designated date.
2.02.03 Each applicant for membership shall pay the appropriate fee for the current year. When an applicant requests admission to membership with effect prior to receipt of an acceptable application, the applicant shall also pay such additional amount to be calculated in a manner to be determined by the Council.
2.02.04 Upon admission, a Member shall retain membership in the Association until such membership is voided pursuant to Section 2.03, the membership is terminated pursuant to Section 2.07, or the Member is expelled pursuant to Section 2.08.
2.03 Voiding of Membership.
2.03.01 Should the information provided by an applicant be subsequently deemed to be materially inaccurate or unresponsive to the requirements of the application form, the Council may declare that applicant's membership to be void and of no effect for all purposes from the effective date of the membership. The Association shall be entitled to retain for its own use any money received from any such applicant.
2.03.02 Should any membership information provided by a Member be deemed to be materially inaccurate or should the Member be unresponsive to the information requirements of the Association, the Council may declare that Member's membership in the Association to be void.
2.04 Membership Fees. Each Member shall annually pay to the Association a membership fee as determined by the Council. The Council may determine different membership fees for such classes of Members as it may prescribe and define.
2.05 Special Levies. Each Member agrees and accepts that if called upon, the Member will pay a further amount per annum not exceeding the annual fee in the year in question. Such a call will be made only in the event of a financial emergency, as determined by the Council in consultation with the Association's auditors.
2.06 Continued Liability of Members. Notwithstanding the termination of membership or expulsion from membership, any person who shall, by any means, cease to be a Member shall nonetheless remain liable for, and shall pay to the Association, all monies which are, at the time of ceasing to be a Member, due to the Association.
2.07 Termination of Membership. The membership of any Member of the Association shall immediately terminate without notice to the Member by the Association on the happening of any of the following events:
(a) Upon the death of the Member;
(b) Upon the receipt of a written resignation by the Member;
(c) Upon the default of the Member in any payment due to the Association for more than one (1) calendar month (or such longer period as the Council may determine) after such payment shall have become due;
(d) Upon the Member no longer being licensed to practice medicine, other than by reason of suspension only, in at least one (1) province or territory of Canada.
2.08 Expulsion from Membership. The Council shall have the power to expel from membership any Member whose conduct or membership it determines to be detrimental to the Association. A Member shall be expelled only after due inquiry by the Council. Prior to the Council exercising such authority, the Member will be provided at least sixty (60) days notice of the Council meeting during which the resolution expelling the member will be considered. The Member shall be entitled, with or without counsel, to make written representations and/or to make oral representations during the meeting.


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